Title: 11 Unbeatable Tips to Boost Your Brain Health abd prevent Alzheimer's and Dimentia.As the control center of your body, your brain is an incredible organ that manages everything from your heartbeat to your memories. Like any other part of your body, your brain requires care and attention. Here are 11 science-backed tips to boost your brain health.1. Get Sufficient SleepAim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Quality sleep is essential for your brain to process and consolidate the day’s experiences into memory. Inadequate sleep can hinder cognitive function and negatively impact overall brain health.2. Stay HydratedWater constitutes around 75% of the brain. Even slight dehydration can impair brain function, so remember to drink enough water throughout the day.3....
Title: "Harnessing Nootropics: A New Ally Against Anxiety in the Workspace" In today's fast-paced, high-stress work environments, anxiety has become a common companion for many professionals. However, an emerging field of supplements called nootropics, often labeled as 'brain boosters,' offers potential solutions. These compounds are gaining momentum in the quest to quell workplace anxiety. Nootropics are natural or synthetic substances that may enhance cognitive functions, including memory, creativity, and even motivation. But one of the most intriguing potential benefits is their purported ability to mitigate anxiety. Let's delve into how nootropics can contribute to a more serene workspace. Anxiety often stems from our body's response to stress and can hamper productivity, damage professional relationships, and impede career growth. One common...
...in the show, The Last of Us. Cordyceps are species specific. So the cordyceps species matches with an insect (or human) and they evolve together. They take over the brain, like a literal zombie fungus. It follows the natural cycle of the species it infects.
I was so surprised when I learned that the “mushroom” (the part we see) is only the fruiting body of it. What goes down under the soil can be best described as a “world of communication between mushrooms, bacteria, trees, and all living organisms”.